The Bishnois, a Vaishnavite sect, living in western Rajasthan on the fringe of the Thar desert, have for centuries, been conserving the flora and fauna to the extent of sacrificing their lives to protect the environment. ... Nature protection was given foremost importance in these tenets. The Bishnois of Jodhpur consider the blackbuck to be the reincarnation of their religious Guru Bhagwan Jambeshwar also known as Jambaji. They have been known to make many sacrifices for the protection of animals, specially the endangered blackbuck.
About Bishnoism
Bishnoi is a sect found in the Western Thar Desert and northern states of India. They follow a set of 29 principles/commandments given by Guru Jambeshwar. They are not a caste but a sect of Hinduism. As of 2019, there are an estimated 960,000 followers of Bishnoi residing in north and central India.
Population: 900,000 Bishnois who practice a separate faith and another 40,000 who practice a schism
The Bishnois are considered as the first environmentalists of India. They are born nature lovers. They have, for centuries, married eco-conservation with their faith, making it one of the most ecologically relevant orders of today.